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Quick Start

This workflow tutorial takes you through the steps in order to create a paralex lexicon.

Hints and tips

  • In case you want to start a new dataset from a sample Paralex repository containing most of the files described below, have a look at our blank dataset on GitLab.
  • If you are not familiar with git or GitLab and want to use these services as described below, you can find several good tutorials on the internet. Using git is not required to conform to the Paralex standard.

Creating the dataset

Creating the data is of course the hardest task. You have full freedom to do this in whatever way feels most practical or convenient for you and your team. This might mean editing csv files directly in LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel, manipulating raw data using a programming language like R or Python, relying on some sort of database manager with a graphical interface, or anything else you can think of. Before publication, you need to be able to export each table in csv format with a utf-8 character encoding.

A minimal valid paralex dataset (which fulfills only the MUST statements of the standard) comprises a forms table which documents forms, and some metadata. Here's a compliant example.

To fulfill all the SHOULDs, a dataset only needs to add a few tables (sounds, feature-values, cells), as well as a data sheet.

The set of pre-defined tables are described in the description of the standard and the specs. Any additional ad-hoc tables and columns can be added as necessary.

If you provide many lexemes and cells, the forms table can grow very big. In such a case, the frictionless specification allows any tables to be separated in several files, provided that they have the exact same structure. Here's a compliant example of a minimal dataset with multiple files for the forms tables

Metadata quick start

A package requires metadata. In our case, this is a [frictionless](( compliant json file, with a name conventionally ending in .package.json. A "paralex package" is the set of all your tables, documentation, and metadata.

First, install paralex. This can be done from the command line, for example as follows:

Installing paralex
pip3 install paralex

Second, specify some basic metadata by creating a yaml configuration file:

title: French Verbal Paradigms
  - title: 'author name'
  - fra
    path: "french_v_forms.csv"
name: french

This configuration file provides a title for your paralex dataset, a short name (in lowercase), and a single table for forms, with the path to the file holding that csv table.

Third, use paralex to generate the metadata, and write it to french.package.json, by executing:

Generating metadata
paralex meta paralex-infos.yml

This is enough to obtain a well formed paralex dataset, although it is possible to generate more advanced metadata

Ensuring high quality data

Frictionless validation

The metadata generated above, and saved in the json file french.package.json can now be used to validate the dataset using frictionless. Frictionless should have been installed as a dependency when you installed paralex. You can now run:

Checking against the metadata
frictionless validate french.package.json

This will check that all the tables exist and are well formed, and that columns contain the types and contents declared by the metadata file, and that any constraints on columns (such as being a value from a specific set of predefined values, being unique, being obligatory, having maximum or minimum values, etc) are respected. Note that the following requirements will also be checked for:

  • All identifiers MUST be unique, that is to say, no two rows in their table has the same value in form_id, cell_id, lexeme_id, feature_id, or sound_id.
  • All values in the cell column of the forms MUST correspond to an identifier in cell_id of the cells table if it exists;
  • All values in the lexeme column of the forms MUST correspond to an identifier in lexeme_id of the lexemes table if it exists
  • If there is a sounds table, then the phon_form in forms MUST be composed only of sound identifiers and spaces.
  • If there is a cells table and a features table, then the cell_id in cells MUST be composed only of feature identifiers found in feature_id, separated by dots, following the Leipzig glossing rules convention.

Paralex validation

To check that the dataset is in fact a paralex lexicon, you can use the paralex validate command as follows:

Checking against the standard itself
paralex validate french.package.json

This attempts to check all of the MUST and SHOULD statements from the standard.


Some more constraints can be expressed in the package metadata, see the frictionless doc on constraints and advanced metadata.

For more custom checks, we recommend writing tests in the programming language of your choice.

Continuous pipelines

Validation and testing can be setup to run each time the data changes, if you track your data using git and push it either to gitlab or github.

With gitlab, create a plain text file called .gitlab-ci.yml, with the following content:

image: python:3.8

  stage: test
    - pip install frictionless paralex
    - frictionless validate *.package.json
    - paralex validate *.package.json


The raw data files

We recommend publishing the completed dataset as an online repository, such as on github or gitlab.

The repository should contain all the relevant files:

  • the data, in the form of csv tables
  • the metadata, in the form of a json file (this is a frictionless package file)
  • the documentation files, at the minimum a file
  • a license file
  • the config file paralex-infos.yml or the metadata python script
  • the tests if they exist
  • when relevant, possible, legal, and practical: a link to any automated process used to generate the data, or any related repository used to generate it.

When using git, a simple way to do this is the git archive command. For example, the following command will create a zip archive for a repository at the current revision (HEAD):

git archive -o HEAD

Only files versionned with git will be included, but they will all be included. To exclude some files, use a .gitattributes file. Here is an example:

.zenodo.json       export-ignore
.gitlab-ci.yml     export-ignore
.gitattributes     export-ignore
.gitignore     export-ignore
mkdocs.yml     export-ignore

Revisable, automatically generated sites

You can use mkdocs-paralex to generate a website automatically using mkdocs. This software is currently in beta mode: it is not stable and might have critical bugs. If you find any, please make issues or write us an email.

Your repository needs to have pipelines and pages enabled.

First, create a configuration file for mkdocs, compatible with mkdocs-material.

It needs a special paralex section, with minimally a paralex_package_path (to the json file), lists of feature labels to use to separate tables, rows and columns. It can contain

site_name: "My site name"
docs_dir: docs
  - paralex:
      paralex_package_path: "<name>.package.json"
        - mood
        -  person/number
        - tense

If your lexicon is massive, the generated site might exceed the free hosting capacity on gitlab or github. You can then add two more keys under the paralex section. If sample_size is set, the corresponding number of lexemes will be selected, and the site will only show that sample. If frequency_sample is set to true, then the chosen lexemes will be the most frequent.

site_name: "My site name"
docs_dir: docs
  - paralex:
      paralex_package_path: "<name>.package.json"
      sample_size: 5000
      frequency_sample: true
        - mood
        -  person/number
        - tense

To generate the site, add a pipeline file:

With gitlab, create a plain text file called .gitlab-ci.yml, with the following content. The site will then be served at https://<username><repository-name>. For more on gitlab pages, see the gitlab pages docs.

image: python:3.8

  stage: deploy
    - mkdir -p docs/
    - pip install pandas mkdocs>=1.1.2 mkdocs-material mkdocs_paralex_plugin
    - mkdocs build -d public/ --strict --verbose
      - public/
    - master

Here are some examples of such generated sites:


We recommend archiving the data by creating a record on some archival service, for example zenodo. A good practice would be to set up automatic archives for new versions. This can be done natively from github, or can be done using gitlab2zenodo.

To have a DOI generated by zenodo in the metadata, first make a draft deposit, filling in the metadata, and checking the box for pre-registering a DOI. Then copy this DOI, add it to your file and your metadata, generate an archive, and upload this to zenodo before publishing the record.

To have your dataset officially listed as a paralex lexicon, add it to the Paralex zenodo community